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Family: Solanaceae. Silver-Leaf Nightshade is poisonous and toxic to livestock. The Kiowa used the seeds together with brain tissue to tan leather. Similar species Horse-nettle (Solanum carolinense) They are showy, 4/5 to 1-1/5 inches (20–30 mm) in diameter and have deep violet to light blue (sometimes white) fused petals with yellow centers. Stems often have prickles which range from tan to reddish. All parts of the plant are toxic to livestock.There are many native and naturalised nightshades with variable quantities of prickles on the Another native nightshade from the Illawarra, which does have a greyish colouration due to a dense coating of stellate hairs on the leaves and stems is Flowers cluster along branches of the flowering stem and the oldest flower grows singly at the tip of the main stem.

Silverleaf nightshade, a deep-rooted broadleaf perennial, is common throughout California to 3900 feet (1200 m) except in the North Coast, Klamath Ranges, and Great Basin. It is particularly widespread in California's desert valleys, especially in poorly managed fields. Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.

Once established, it is difficult to eradicate and reduced tillage favors it. Scientific Name: Solanum elaeagnifolium Common Names: Silverleaf Nightshade, Purple Nightshade, White Horsenettle, Tomato Weed, Trompillo Plant Characteristics. Often more problematic are its relatives, black nightshade, Orchards, vineyards, crop fields, rangeland, pastures, forest openings, roadsides, and disturbed, unmanaged places.Cotyledons (seed leaves) are gray-green, narrowly lance shaped and up to 2/5 of an inch (10 mm) long. Mature berries are 1/3 to 3/5 of an inch (8–15 mm) in diameter, globe shaped, and greenish yellow to brownish orange.Seeds are tiny, less than 1/6 of an inch (4 mm) in diameter, semi-glossy, and yellowish brown to dark yellow brown.

For noncommercial purposes only, any Web site may link directly to this page. Plants germinate in autumn and grow through the winter, flowering in spring and summer and fruiting over several months. Flowers bloom from May through September. Reproduces by seed and creeping roots that give rise to bud shoots. The dense covering of hairs give the leaves a dull, silvery green to pale yellowish-green color. Elaeagnifolium is Latin for Oleander like leaves. All parts of the plant, especially the fruit, are poisonous to livestock (CABI 2016 Footnote 4). Plant Name.

Seeds germinate in autumn. The first true leaves have wavy edges and are covered with small star-shaped hairs, which require 20X magnification to observe. Silver-Leaf Nightshade propagates from both rhizomes and seed found in berries. Forest nightshade flower : family Solanaceae status Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) is listed as noxious in category 4 in Southern Slopes LCA. The mature plant is 1 to 3 feet (30–90 cm) tall and has many branches and an open form. Names: Solanum is from the Latin solamen meaning to quieten or comfort and refers to the narcotic properties of some species. Silverleaf nightshade reproduces by both seed and root fragments. FOR ALL OTHER USES or more information, read Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California and can form colonies, which makes it difficult to eradicate. The fruits are regarded as toxic. … It is particularly widespread in California's desert valleys, especially in poorly managed fields. Still, the indigenous Pima people of North America used the berries as a vegetable rennet, rennet being used to curdle milk, as in making cheese. Flowering commences in November and continues into summer. ... Silverleaf Nightshade WMP; Search ... and the fruit is a globular yellow and orange mottled berry becoming wrinkled when ripe. Silver-leaf nightshade is an erect, summer-growing perennial herb growing to 80 cm. Silverleaf nightshade, a deep-rooted broadleaf perennial, is common throughout California to 3900 feet (1200 m) except in the North Coast, Klamath Ranges, and Great Basin. Green striped berries turn yellow or orange at maturity and then dry to brown.

The root is deep and much branched and bears buds which produce new shoots each year. Large infestations can reduce crop yield and pasture production by competing for soil water and nutrients with desired plants. Creeping stems produce young shoots that are a dusky, silver-gray and resemble seedlings but do not have cotyledons. Leaves are egg shaped to lance shaped, reach 6 inches (15 cm) long, usually have wavy to coarsely lobed edges, are alternate to one another along the stem, and are covered with dense, short, star-shaped hairs (visible with 20X magnification). Sometime silverleaf nightshade is troublesome in agricultural areas, particularly tomatoes and cotton fields. Plants produce up to 250 million seeds per hectare and the seeds can remain viable for up to 10 years (Boyd and Murray 1982 Footnote 5). Plants die off at the end of summer, but plants remain standing for several months.Competes for resources with summer growing crops and pastures, having a deep root system which makes it highly competitive for soil water.
Silver-Leaf Nightshade has an extensive root system . Duration: Perennial Growth Habit: Subshrub, Herb/Forb Arizona Native Status: Native Habitat: Desert, Upland. Sometime silverleaf nightshade is troublesome in agricultural areas, particularly tomatoes and cotton fields. Most common in NSW, Victoria and South Australia, where its distribution is patchy but it can be locally abundant. Forest nightshade green fruit.
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