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I’ve had them crash right into my camera to get me to go.If you get a decent photo, please sent it along in an email (rusty@honeybeesuite.com). Unless you’re allergic to bees, most bee stings can be treated with home remedies. I just opened a cocoon to see the development stage and appears to still be quite early (large white grub like pupae)….. SPRING hatch time? Before I call a bee keeper or exterminator, I thought I’d see if you have any opinions based on my long story. I have photos of them mating (!)

The larvae you found will turn into a pupae and spend the winter in the nest.

I will keep trying.So far, I can’t get them to nest in tubes either. She has two full and is now filling a third one.

Seems that having a cocoon as of now they would be early spring pollinators (just forming cocoon) or a later summer variety (soon to hatch)?
On the other side, female carpenter bees are very much equipped with stingers and can sting you if you provoke them.
It was so fascinating to watch! There’s a reason a queen can 2000 eggs in a day.I am near Lake Simcoe in Ontario and have noticed these bees around my flower garden. We live in the northern panhandle of Idaho and last summer I noticed small bees swarming our front windows. Would appreciate any adviceThey are solitary bees. Bombus pascuorum, the common carder bee, is a species of bumblebee present in most of Europe in a wide variety of habitats such as meadows, pastures, waste ground, ditches and embankments, roads, and field margins, as well as gardens and parks in urban areas and forests and forest edges. Should or can I store the box like I do mason bees but not harvest them, just store them somewhere safe over winter. But after a few days, I have what i think are wool carder bees hatching out! I’ve never gotten one of the cotton ball, although I keep trying.Just had a customer bring a carder bee “Wool Clump” in to the shop, with a little observation I found some cocoons inside. It’s fun trying to figure out who’s who, but it is a lot harder than one would think.Yes, native bees are super hard to identify. Bee stings are a common outdoor nuisance. Your support matters. A couple of times two would fall out that looked like they were possibly mating. They will fiercely guard a patch of flowers for their female suitors and chase, head-butt and wrestle any other insect, which It is a social bee, nesting in cavities, old birds' nests and mossy lawns. That said, I know that your bee is not a wool carder because wool carder bees do not carry pollen on their legs. European wool carders are coming out right now. Will the bossy carder bees hurt the gentle leafcutters if they are inside together?It would not be unusual to have different bee species in different tubes, but it would be unusual to have more than one species in one tube.Only the females go back to the tubes and the female wool carders are not aggressive like the males. bee and now the wool carder bee. It looks a little more like the colors of a hornet. I house mason bees and have been pretty successful, not much luck with leafcutter though. bee. The behavior you describe, hovering and quickly sipping from flowers, is male behavior. I know a dozen bees is nothing in the grand scheme but man I hate my girls getting taken out right in front of my eyes. Since it’s a little difficult to tell bee gender on the fly, we suggest you just leave them all alone (or to the professionals).The wool carder bee’s plant preferences include lamb’s ear, snapdragons, sage, mint, catnip, lavender, and Russian sage.Cool information. They will fiercely guard a patch of flowers for their female suitors and chase, head-butt and wrestle any other insect, which dares to enter their territory.

Male Wool carder bees may not have a sting but they do come equipped with a set of spikes on their tails. Wash the sting area with soap and water. The males cannot.
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