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Journal of WSCG is an Open Access (OA) Journal. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address. It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is. International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. It provides original research papers, tutorials, state of the art, personal viewpoints and reviews of books, information on conferences and exhibitions. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents. Journal of WSCG [ISSN 1213-6972 (hardcopy), ISSN 1213-6964 (CD version), ISSN 1213-6980 (on-line)] and WSCG proceedings within Computer Science Research Notes (CSRN) series [ISSN 2464-4617] will be sent for indexing to Tompson Reuters/WoS-ISI, SCOPUS, INSPEC and others for citation indexing and other purposes. For topics on particular articles, maintain the dialogue through the usual channels with your editor. Journal of WSCG is an international peer-to-peer refereed journal presents the key original papers to engineers, designers and computer scientists within an industry and academia. We offer making basic requirements to academic papers compliance test using This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from Bibliographic content of Journal of WSCG. Journal of WSCG (Cumulative issue), Vol.18, No.1-3, ISSN 1213-6972, ISBN 978-80-86943-89-3, PDF [34 MB] WSCG'2010 - 18-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2010 The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric. The Standard Abbreviation (ISO4) of Journal of WSCG is “J WSCG (Plzen)”. Journal of WSCG RG Journal Impact: 1.24 * *This value is calculated using ResearchGate data and is based on average citation counts from work published in this journal. Based on 2018, SJR is 0.134. WSCG-Computer Graphics,Visualization&Vision. Journal of WSCG. [ISSN 2464-4617 (print), ISSN 2464-4625 (CD-ROM)] On-line Digital Repository. One major use of ISO 4 is to abbreviate the names of scientific journals. (Journal of WSCG and Proceedings including CSRN - open access) Keynote Speakers. Open Access allows taxpayers to see the results of their investment. researchers with international experts to improve the quality of their scientific research. ISSN 1213-6972 (print) ISSN 1213-6964 (on-line) Computer Science Research Notes series. Based on 2018, SJR is 0.134. The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. You will succeed!ORES Science Platform is a leading service designed to support scientists from the CIS and Asia. The scientific journal Journal of WSCG is included in the Scopus database. Open Access stands for unrestricted access and unrestricted reuse. Publisher country is Czechia. Country: Czech Republic - SIR Ranking of Czech Republic: 10. Publisher country is Czechia. Get information about our services, choose the type of service you need, fill in an application, interact with the best experts and achieve your goals. I consent to the transfer of personal data in accordance with the Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.The users of Scimago Journal & Country Rank have the possibility to dialogue through comments linked to a specific journal. The scientific journal Journal of WSCG is included in the Scopus database. With Open Access, researchers can read and build on the findings of others without restriction. Journal of WSCG. Much scientific and medical research is paid for with public funds. Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. Attach your article in the form below and we will send the contact details of the journal Journal of WSCG, and alternative journals for your research
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