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";s:4:"text";s:3651:"It seems like since I stopped eating animal products, I have had a lot of stomach issues.

This is caused by too much feces in the lower colon and can lead to other symptoms like tightness, abdominal pain, bloating and gas.Viruses that cause gastritis can lead to inflammation of the lining of the abdomen. It might extend from when they ovulate to the start of their periods. Pregnant women complain of heavy feeling in the lower abdomen … My doctor suggested using a probiotic to help balance things out. Bowel obstruction can occur due to the following causes:Ascites is characterized by accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. It kind of felt like constipation, but my bowels were moving fine. It did give me a lot of energy, but all the fruits caused me major bloating during the detox phase. I also had bad cramping in my stomach. It is caused by infection by bacteria (Bloating or lower abdomen heaviness is a commonly occurring symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Here are some of the possible causes:This is a build-up of fluid in the cavity just outside the abdominal wall. Drink first thing in the morning to help relieve any gas and bloating.Take raw fennel and chew after each meal. Inflammation and swelling in the lower abdomen are other symptoms.You can treat the symptoms by applying cold pack for 20 minutes several times in a day. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to treat the infection and you will be advised to drink plenty of fluids. Then I added gluten back in and the bloating and heaviness came back. In IBS the colon becomes oversensitive and even a mild stimulation can cause the colon to over react, leading to muscle spasms in the colon.There are certain factors that can trigger symptoms of IBS:In most people the symptoms of IBS are mild and can be managed by changing lifestyle and dietary habits and reducing stress levels. Constipation can occur as a side effect of consuming certain medications or due to certain health conditions and food habits.It can be managed by drinking lots of water, eating fibrous fruits and vegetables and using laxatives (do not use laxatives for more than 2 weeks). Missed periods due to hormonal imbalance can also lead to heaviness in the lower abdomen. Urinary tract infection causes heaviness and tenderness in the lower abdomen. I have been vegan for a year and don't eat eggs, dairy or any meat. Other symptoms include: urinary frequency, dribbling, and sexual dysfunction.An infection in the bladder, kidneys, or urethra can make your lower abdomen feel heavy. Some women experience PMS (premenstrual syndrome) all month long with other symptoms, such as tight feelings in the lower abdomen, mood swings, and heavy cramping.Early pregnancy can cause a heavy feeling in lower abdomen that can even be present before the pregnancy test is positive. It might extend from when they ovulate to the start of their periods.

There are a number of explanations for a heavy feeling in lower abdomen areas. Women may experience feelings of heaviness in lower abdomen if they have premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Tightness in abdomen seen when a person has Ascites is usually generalised. While it is a good idea to get checked by your doctor if the symptoms continue or get worse, there are some simple and easy remedies to bring you relief if you find out that it's nothing serious. Pubic symphysis is a prominent pelvic bone that lies in lower abdomen close to midline. Pour into a coffee mug and stir in some honey for a nice cinnamon tea to settle the stomach.Stir ½ teaspoon of cumin into an 8-ounce glass of buttermilk and add a dash of black pepper. ";s:7:"keyword";s:33:"heaviness in lower abdomen female";s:5:"links";s:5382:"Mongol Empire 1309 Last Formal Reunification, How To Pronounce Archmage, Odisha Fc Owner, Meitetsu Limited Express, Kacy Catanzaro Ricochet 2020, Monkey Twins Aom Actress, Asplenium Bulbiferum Care, Home For Sale In Tacoma, Wa 98404, Gold Mining Games, Milford, Ma Zip, Johnny Orlando Merch Hoodies, Sundown X12 V1, Is Jetty Park Beach Open Today, 14 Day Weather Forecast Destin Fl Fahrenheit, Best Colombian Restaurant Sydney, Why Are My Passion Fruit Leaves Turning Yellow, Ben Hurley Wellington, Last Names For Logan, Bitbucket Tutorial Youtube, Russian Stick Grenade, Fire Elemental 5e, Gallup, New Mexico, I Dream About You, Famous Female Movie Characters, Pembaca Berita Tv1, Dnd Premade Shops, Trek Remedy 8, Lakewood Guitar For Sale, Kafka Change Zookeeper, Society Of Mind Online, The Beaches Or The Beach, Yosemite Meaning Travis Scott, TradingView App Not Available In India, I Feel So Lonely, Google Map Of Michigan, Why Is Sdg 2 Important, Matic Coin News, Johnny Orlando Driving, Fox Weather Orlando, Nz To Fiji Currency, Boston Nba Team, Redcliffe2moreton Express Newport Ferry, Amazon Base Location, Robert Moses State Park, Ganna Walska Spouse, Port Vila Market, The Wilkes Fells Point, Road Accidents Nsw, ";s:7:"expired";i:-1;}